Source code for lenet.third_party

""" This file contains third party support code that I have used from elsewhere. I have
cited them appropriately where ever needed """

import tensorflow as tf
from math import sqrt

[docs]def put_kernels_on_grid (kernel, pad = 1, name = 'visualizer'): """Visualize convolutional filters as an image (mostly for the 1st layer). Arranges filters into a grid, with some paddings between adjacent filters. Args: kernel: tensor of shape [Y, X, NumChannels, NumKernels] (HWCN) pad: number of black pixels around each filter (between them) name: name for tensorflow scope Return: Tensor of shape [1, (Y+2*pad)*grid_Y, (X+2*pad)*grid_X, NumChannels]. Notes: This is not my method. This was written by kukurza and was hosted at: """ with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: def factorization(n): for i in range(int(sqrt(float(n))), 0, -1): if n % i == 0: if i == 1: print('Who would enter a prime number of filters') return (i, int(n / i)) (grid_Y, grid_X) = factorization (kernel.get_shape()[3].value) x_min = tf.reduce_min(kernel) x_max = tf.reduce_max(kernel) kernel1 = (kernel - x_min) / (x_max - x_min) # pad X and Y x1 = tf.pad(kernel1, tf.constant( [[pad,pad],[pad, pad],[0,0],[0,0]] ), mode = 'CONSTANT') # X and Y dimensions, w.r.t. padding Y = kernel1.get_shape()[0] + 2 * pad X = kernel1.get_shape()[1] + 2 * pad channels = kernel1.get_shape()[2] # put NumKernels to the 1st dimension x2 = tf.transpose(x1, (3, 0, 1, 2)) # organize grid on Y axis x3 = tf.reshape(x2, tf.stack([grid_X, Y * grid_Y, X, channels])) #3 # switch X and Y axes x4 = tf.transpose(x3, (0, 2, 1, 3)) # organize grid on X axis x5 = tf.reshape(x4, tf.stack([1, X * grid_X, Y * grid_Y, channels])) #3 # back to normal order (not combining with the next step for clarity) x6 = tf.transpose(x5, (2, 1, 3, 0)) # to tf.image_summary order [batch_size, height, width, channels], # where in this case batch_size == 1 x7 = tf.transpose(x6, (3, 0, 1, 2)) # scale to [0, 255] and convert to uint8 x = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(x7, dtype = tf.uint8) return x