Source code for

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from layers import *
from support import visualize_images
from global_definitions import *

[docs]def apply_gradient_descent(var_list, obj): """ Sets up the gradient descent optimizer Args: var_list: List of variables to optimizer over. obj: Node of the objective to minimize Notes: learning_rate: What learning rate to run with. (Default = ``0.01``) Set with ``LR`` """ back_prop = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( learning_rate = LR, name = 'gradient_descent' ).minimize(loss = obj, \ var_list = var_list ) return back_prop
[docs]def apply_adam (var_list, obj, learning_rate = 1e-4): """ Sets up the ADAM optimizer Args: var_list: List of variables to optimizer over. obj: Node of the objective to minimize Notes: learning_rate: What learning rate to run with. (Default = ``0.01``) Set with ``LR`` """ back_prop = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate = LR, name = 'adam' ).minimize(loss = obj, \ var_list = var_list) return back_prop
[docs]def apply_rmsprop( var_list, obj ): """ Sets up the RMS Prop optimizer Args: var_list: List of variables to optimizer over. obj: Node of the objective to minimize Notes: * learning_rate: What learning rate to run with. (Default = ``0.001``). Set ``LR`` * momentum: What is the weight for momentum to run with. (Default = ``0.7``). Set ``MOMENTUM`` * decay: What rate should learning rate decay. (Default = ``0.95``). Set ``DECAY`` """ back_prop = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer( learning_rate = LR, decay = DECAY, momentum = MOMENTUM, name = 'rmsprop' ).minimize(loss = obj, \ var_list = var_list) return back_prop
[docs]def apply_weight_decay (var_list, name = 'weight_decay'): """ This method applies L2 Regularization to all weights and adds it to the ``objectives`` collection. Args: name: For the tensorflow scope. var_list: List of variables to apply. Notes: What is the co-efficient of the L2 weight? Set ``WEIGHT_DECAY_COEFF``.( Default = 0.0001 ) """ for param in var_list: norm = WEIGHT_DECAY_COEFF * tf.nn.l2_loss(param) tf.summary.scalar('l2_' +, norm) tf.add_to_collection('objectives', norm)
[docs]def apply_l1 ( var_list, name = 'l1'): """ This method applies L1 Regularization to all weights and adds it to the ``objectives`` collection. Args: var_list: List of variables to apply l1 name: For the tensorflow scope. Notes: What is the co-efficient of the L1 weight? Set ``L1_COEFF``.( Default = 0.0001 ) """ for param in var_list: norm = L1_COEFF * tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(param, name = 'abs'), name = 'l1') tf.summary.scalar('l1_' +, norm) tf.add_to_collection( 'objectives', norm)
[docs]def process_params(params): """ This method adds the params to two collections. The first element is added to ``regularizer_worthy_params``. The first and second elements are is added to ``trainable_parmas``. Args: params: List of two. """ tf.add_to_collection( 'trainable_params', params[0]) tf.add_to_collection( 'trainable_params', params[1]) tf.add_to_collection('regularizer_worthy_params', params[0])
[docs]def apply_regularizer ( var_list): """ This method applyies Regularization to all weights and adds it to the ``objectives`` collection. Args: var_list: List of variables to apply l1 Notes: What is the co-efficient of the L1 weight? Set ``L1_COEFF``.( Default = 0.0001 ) """ with tf.variable_scope( 'weight-decay') as scope: if WEIGHT_DECAY_COEFF > 0: apply_weight_decay(name = 'weight_decay', var_list = var_list ) with tf.variable_scope( 'l1-regularization') as scope: if L1_COEFF > 0: apply_l1(name = 'weight_decay', var_list = var_list)
[docs]class lenet5(object): """ Definition of the lenet class of networks. Notes: * Produces the lenet model and returns the weights. A typical lenet has two convolutional layers with filters sizes ``5X5`` and ``3X3``. These are followed by two fully-connected layers and a softmax layer. This network model, reproduces this network to be trained on MNIST images of size ``28X28``. * Most of the important parameters are stored in :mod:`global_definitions` in the file ````. Args: images: Placeholder for images Attributes: images: This is the placeholder for images. This needs to be fed in from :class:`lenet.dataset.mnist``. dropout_prob: This is also a placeholder for dropout probability. This needs to be fed in. logits: Output node of the softmax layer, before softmax. This is an output from a :meth:`lenet.layers.dot_product_layer`. inference: Output node of the softmax layer that produces inference. predictions: Its a predictions node which is :meth:`tf.nn.argmax` of ``inference``. back_prop: Backprop is an optimizer. This is a node that will be used by a :class:`lenet.trainer.trainer` later. obj: Is a cumulative objective tensor. This produces the total summer objective in a node. cost: Cost of the back prop error alone. labels: Placeholder for labels, needs to be fed in. This is added fed in from the dataset class. accuracy: Tensor for accuracy. This is a node that measures the accuracy for the mini batch. """ def __init__ ( self, images ): """ Class constructor. Creates the model and allthe connections. """ self.images = images # Unflatten Layer images_square = unflatten_layer ( self.images ) visualize_images(images_square) # Conv Layer 1 conv1_out, params = conv_2d_layer ( input = images_square, neurons = C1, filter_size = F1, name = 'conv_1', visualize = True ) process_params(params) pool1_out = max_pool_2d_layer ( input = conv1_out, name = 'pool_1') lrn1_out = local_response_normalization_layer (pool1_out, name = 'lrn_1' ) # Conv Layer 2 conv2_out, params = conv_2d_layer ( input = lrn1_out, neurons = C2, filter_size = F2, name = 'conv_2' ) process_params(params) pool2_out = max_pool_2d_layer ( input = conv2_out, name = 'pool_2') lrn2_out = local_response_normalization_layer (pool2_out, name = 'lrn_2' ) flattened = flatten_layer(lrn2_out) # Placeholder probability for dropouts. self.dropout_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name = 'dropout_probability') # Dropout Layer 1 flattened_dropout = dropout_layer ( input = flattened, prob = self.dropout_prob, name = 'dropout_1') # Dot Product Layer 1 fc1_out, params = dot_product_layer ( input = flattened_dropout, neurons = D1, name = 'dot_1') process_params(params) # Dropout Layer 2 fc1_out_dropout = dropout_layer ( input = fc1_out, prob = self.dropout_prob, name = 'dropout_2') # Dot Product Layer 2 fc2_out, params = dot_product_layer ( input = fc1_out_dropout, neurons = D2, name = 'dot_2') process_params(params) # Dropout Layer 3 fc2_out_dropout = dropout_layer ( input = fc2_out, prob = self.dropout_prob, name = 'dropout_3') # Logits layer self.logits, params = dot_product_layer ( input = fc2_out_dropout, neurons = C, activation = 'identity', name = 'logits_layer') process_params(params) # Softmax layer self.inference, self.predictions = softmax_layer ( input = self.logits, name = 'softmax_layer' )
[docs] def cook(self, labels): """ Prepares the network for training Args: labels: placeholder for labels Notes: * Each optimizer has a lot parameters that, if you want to change, modify in the code directly. Most do not take in inputs and runs. Some parameters such as learning rates play a significant role in learning and are good choices to experiment with. * what optimizer to run with. (Default = ``sgd``), other options include 'rmsprop' and 'adam'. Set ``OPTIMIZER`` """ with tf.variable_scope('objective') as scope: self.labels = labels with tf.variable_scope('cross-entropy') as scope: loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits ( labels = self.labels, logits = self.logits) ) self.cost = loss tf.add_to_collection('objectives', loss ) tf.summary.scalar('cost', loss) apply_regularizer (var_list = tf.get_collection( 'regularizer_worthy_params') ) self.obj = tf.add_n(tf.get_collection('objectives'), name='objective') tf.summary.scalar('obj', self.obj) with tf.variable_scope('train') as scope: # Change (supply as arguments) parameters here directly in the code. if OPTIMIZER == 'sgd': self.back_prop = apply_gradient_descent(var_list = tf.get_collection( \ 'trainable_params'), obj = self.obj ) elif OPTIMIZER == 'rmsprop': self.back_prop = apply_rmsprop(var_list = tf.get_collection( \ 'trainable_params') , obj = self.obj) elif OPTIMIZER == 'adam': self.back_prop = apply_adam (var_list = tf.get_collection( \ 'trainable_params') , obj = self.obj ) else: raise Error('Invalid entry to optimizer') with tf.variable_scope('test') as scope: correct_predictions = tf.equal(self.predictions, tf.argmax(self.labels, 1), \ name = 'correct_predictions') self.accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_predictions, tf.float32) , name ='accuracy') tf.summary.scalar('accuracy', self.accuracy) with tf.variable_scope("confusion"): confusion = tf.confusion_matrix(tf.argmax(self.labels,1), self.predictions, num_classes=C, name='confusion') confusion_image = tf.reshape( tf.cast( confusion, tf.float32),[1, C, C, 1]) tf.summary.image('confusion',confusion_image)