Source code for lenet.layers

import tensorflow as tf
from support import initializer, visualize_filters
import numpy as np

[docs]def softmax_layer (input, name = 'softmax'): """ Creates the softmax normalization Args: input: Where is the input of the layer coming from name: Name scope of the layer Returns: tuple: ``(softmax, prediction)``, A softmax output node and prediction output node """ with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: inference = tf.nn.softmax(input, name = 'inference') predictions = tf.argmax(inference, 1, name = 'predictions') return (inference, predictions)
[docs]def dot_product_layer(input, params = None, neurons = 1200, name = 'fc', activation = 'relu'): """ Creates a fully connected layer Args: input: Where is the input of the layer coming from neurons: Number of neurons in the layer. params: List of tensors, if supplied will use those params. name: name scope of the layer activation: What kind of activation to use. Returns: tuple: The output node and A list of parameters that are learnable """ with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: if params is None: weights = tf.Variable(initializer([input.shape[1].value,neurons], name = 'xavier_weights'),\ name = 'weights') bias = tf.Variable(initializer([neurons], name = 'xavier_bias'), name = 'bias') else: weights = params[0] bias = params[1] dot = tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(input, weights, name = 'dot'), bias, name = 'pre-activation') if activation == 'relu': activity = tf.nn.relu(dot, name = 'activity' ) elif activation == 'sigmoid': activity = tf.nn.sigmoid(dot, name = 'activity' ) elif activation == 'identity': activity = dot params = [weights, bias] tf.summary.histogram('weights', weights) tf.summary.histogram('bias', bias) tf.summary.histogram('activity', activity) return (activity, params)
[docs]def conv_2d_layer (input, neurons = 20, filter_size = (5,5), stride = (1,1,1,1), padding = 'VALID', name = 'conv', activation = 'relu', visualize = False): """ Creates a convolution layer Args: input: (NHWC) Where is the input of the layer coming from neurons: Number of neurons in the layer. name: name scope of the layer filter_size: A tuple of filter size ``(5,5)`` is default. stride: A tuple of x and y axis strides. ``(1,1,1,1)`` is default. name: A name for the scope of tensorflow visualize: If True, will add to summary. Only for first layer at the moment. activation: Activation for the outputs. padding: Padding to be used in convolution. "VALID" is default. Returns: tuple: The output node and A list of parameters that are learnable """ f_shp = [filter_size[0], filter_size[1], input.shape[3].value, neurons] with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: weights = tf.Variable(initializer( f_shp, name = 'xavier_weights'),\ name = 'weights') bias = tf.Variable(initializer([neurons], name = 'xavier_bias'), name = 'bias') c_out = tf.nn.conv2d( input = input, filter = weights, strides = stride, padding = padding, name = ) c_out_bias = tf.nn.bias_add(c_out, bias, name = 'pre-activation') if activation == 'relu': activity = tf.nn.relu(c_out_bias, name = 'activity' ) elif activation == 'sigmoid': activity = tf.nn.sigmoid(c_out_bias, name = 'activity' ) elif activation == 'identity': activity = c_out_bias params = [weights, bias] tf.summary.histogram('weights', weights) tf.summary.histogram('bias', bias) tf.summary.histogram('activity', activity) if visualize is True: visualize_filters(weights, name = 'filters_' + name) return (activity, params)
[docs]def flatten_layer (input, name = 'flatten'): """ This layer returns the flattened output Args: input: a 4D node. name: name scope of the layer. Returns: tensorflow tensor: a 2D node. """ with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: in_shp = input.get_shape().as_list() output = tf.reshape(input, [-1, in_shp[1]*in_shp[2]*in_shp[3]]) return output
[docs]def max_pool_2d_layer ( input, pool_size = (1,2,2,1), stride = (1,2,2,1), padding = 'VALID', name = 'pool' ): """ Creates a max pooling layer Args: input: (NHWC) Where is the input of the layer coming from name: name scope of the layer pool_size: A tuple of filter size ``(5,5)`` is default. stride: A tuple of x and y axis strides. ``(1,1,1,1)`` is default. name: A name for the scope of tensorflow padding: Padding to be used in convolution. "VALID" is default. Returns: tensorflow tensor: The output node """ with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: output = tf.nn.max_pool ( value = input, ksize = pool_size, strides = stride, padding = padding, name = name ) return output
[docs]def local_response_normalization_layer (input, name = 'lrn'): """ This layer returns the flattened output Args: input: a 4D node. name: name scope of the layer. Returns: tensorflow tensor: a 2D node. """ with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: output = tf.nn.lrn(input) return output
[docs]def unflatten_layer (input, channels = 1, name = 'unflatten'): """ This layer returns the unflattened output Args: input: a 2D node. chanels: How many channels are there in the image. (Default = ``1``) name: name scope of the layer. Returns: tensorflow tensor: a 4D node in (NHWC) format that is square in shape. """ with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope: dim = int( np.sqrt( input.shape[1].value / channels ) ) output = tf.reshape(input, [-1, dim, dim, channels]) return output
[docs]def dropout_layer (input, prob, name ='dropout'): """ This layer drops out nodes with the probability of 0.5 During training time, run a probability of 0.5. During test time run a probability of 1.0. To do this, ensure that the ``prob`` is a ``tf.placeholder``. You can supply this probability with ``feed_dict`` in trainer. Args: input: a 2D node. prob: Probability feeder. name: name scope of the layer. Returns: tensorflow tensor: An output node """ with tf.variable_scope (name) as scope: output = tf.nn.dropout (input, prob) return output
if __name__ == '__main__': pass